Matriarch of the Clan of Tubal Cain

Black and white photo of a person wearing a patterned headscarf, shawl, and knit sweater with faux fur trim, looking to the side.

Occultist, Mystic, Luciferian Pilgrim of the Forbidden Arts, Traditional Craft Practitioner, researcher, lecturer, historian, and writer of the Craft, Magic, Ancestral Tradition, particularly the Robert Cochrane Tradition, and the cultural Folk-lore and Folk-magicks of the Uk and its Northern Heritage. Spae-wife and Matriarch of The People of Goda, The Clan of Tubal Cain. Student of Anthropology, Tantra, Philosophy, and the arcane ‘Other.’

Author of several books that write informatively on the myths, gods, and archetypes that imbue and inform the Cults and Crafts of Witchcraft and Folk-Traditions, shifting through the arcane to modern times. 

She is known for publications such as Tubelo’s Green Fire, The Arcane Veil, Star-Crossed Serpent Volumes I-IV (Mandrake of Oxford), The People of Goda, The Robert Cochrane Tradition: CTC: Tubal’s Mill (revised edition - 2018) & TM: Legend, Paean to Hekate (Create Space and through Hell Fire Club Books) and Crafting the Arte of Tradition, The Devil’s Supper,  The Hanged God, Wolfs-Head, The Search for Óðinn released on Anathema Publishing Ltd.

Numerous articles in other Craft Anthologies, periodicals, and magazines over the last two decades include: Pillars (Vol.1, Issue.3) The Ebon Kteis [Anathema Publishing], Heritage - A CTC Anthology [Create Space], Genuine Witchcraft is explained: Secret Tradition of the Royal Windsor Coven and the Regency [Capall Bann], Serpent Songs [Scarlet Imprint], The Wanton Green [Mandrake], The Silver Wheel [Lear Books], Ancestors of the Craft [Copper Cauldron Publishing], Hecate: Her Sacred Fires [Avalonia] and the 2011 #2 of the Abraxas Occult Journal that features: ‘Pashupati – A Cainite Trimurti’ [Fulgur].

Other articles may be found in various popular pagan, folklore, and occult publications spanning almost two decades. These include: Pendragon, Verdelet, Bridget’s Fire, The White Dragon, Pentacle, The Goddess Alive, The Hedge Wytch, The Wytch’s Standard, Pagan Dawn, and The Cauldron.



The Devil's Supper
from CA$40.00
The Hanged God
from CA$36.00
from CA$40.00