
from CA$40.00

(h)Auroræ: The recalling or retelling of the many Pasts made Present & Whole again

by G. McCaughry

Illustrations by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

Typeset, Layout, & Design by G. McCaughry

Original Retail Prices:
Paperback Edition: $40 CAD
HC Standard Edition: $90 CAD
HC Collector’s Edition: $150 CAD
HC Artisanal Edition: $599 CAD

(h)Auroræ is, and functions as, an occult text; it is technically not a book ‘about’ the occult. The distinction is important here: the whole concept, presentation, and perennial philosophy underlying the book aim at provoking a mystical experience and stimulating the Divine Inspiration of the reader, so that they, in turn, become Inspiration.

This manuscript is a mystifying, albeit utterly profound journey. Part ontological synthesis, philosophical rambling, magickal diary, visual grimoire, mystical poetry, revelatory/individuation process, and alchemical vessel of expression, the book exists under the umbrella of what the author refers to as Neoteric Heterodoxy. First and foremost, however, (h)Auroræ exists as an act of eternal remembrance.

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(h)Auroræ: The recalling or retelling of the many Pasts made Present & Whole again

by G. McCaughry

Illustrations by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

Typeset, Layout, & Design by G. McCaughry

Original Retail Prices:
Paperback Edition: $40 CAD
HC Standard Edition: $90 CAD
HC Collector’s Edition: $150 CAD
HC Artisanal Edition: $599 CAD

(h)Auroræ is, and functions as, an occult text; it is technically not a book ‘about’ the occult. The distinction is important here: the whole concept, presentation, and perennial philosophy underlying the book aim at provoking a mystical experience and stimulating the Divine Inspiration of the reader, so that they, in turn, become Inspiration.

This manuscript is a mystifying, albeit utterly profound journey. Part ontological synthesis, philosophical rambling, magickal diary, visual grimoire, mystical poetry, revelatory/individuation process, and alchemical vessel of expression, the book exists under the umbrella of what the author refers to as Neoteric Heterodoxy. First and foremost, however, (h)Auroræ exists as an act of eternal remembrance.

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(h)Auroræ: The recalling or retelling of the many Pasts made Present & Whole again

by G. McCaughry

Illustrations by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

Typeset, Layout, & Design by G. McCaughry

Original Retail Prices:
Paperback Edition: $40 CAD
HC Standard Edition: $90 CAD
HC Collector’s Edition: $150 CAD
HC Artisanal Edition: $599 CAD

(h)Auroræ is, and functions as, an occult text; it is technically not a book ‘about’ the occult. The distinction is important here: the whole concept, presentation, and perennial philosophy underlying the book aim at provoking a mystical experience and stimulating the Divine Inspiration of the reader, so that they, in turn, become Inspiration.

This manuscript is a mystifying, albeit utterly profound journey. Part ontological synthesis, philosophical rambling, magickal diary, visual grimoire, mystical poetry, revelatory/individuation process, and alchemical vessel of expression, the book exists under the umbrella of what the author refers to as Neoteric Heterodoxy. First and foremost, however, (h)Auroræ exists as an act of eternal remembrance.

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  • Format: 5.25 x 8.5 inches. 320 pages. German Binding. Velvet Matte (Scuff Free) finish + Red Metallic Foil stamped on cover and backcover. Full-Color Interior. Thoroughly illustrated by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal, Fine typography, printed on Rolland Opaque White 160M archive-quality paper. Preface by Denis Poisson (of the Foolish Fish YouTube channel), and Afterword by Shani Oates (Tubelo's Green Fire, The Devil's Supper, The Hanged God, etc.)

    ISBN: 978-1-989339-18-3

  • Format: 5.25 x 8.5 inches. 304 pages. Hardbound 100pts, Tele Legatoria ‘Bronze’ bookbinding Cloth from Italy. Gold foil blocking on rounded spine and on the cover. Colour interior, with fully illustrated Endpapers. Thoroughly illustrated throughout by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal, Fine typography, printed on Cougar Natural 160M archive-quality paper. Individually hand-numbered.

    Limited to 553 copies (sold out) | ISBN: 978-0-9949111-5-5

  • Format: 5.25 x 8.5 inches. 304 pages. Hardbound 100pts, Eurobound Black Flanders (bonded leather). Gold foil blocking on rounded spine and on the cover, plus blind-deboss on the cover. Colour interior, with fully illustrated Endpapers. Thoroughly illustrated throughout by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal, Fine typography, printed on Cougar Natural 160M archive-quality paper. Individually hand-numbered. Signed by the author.

    Limited to 154 copies (sold out) | ISBN: 978-0-9949111-5-5

  • Format: 5.25 x 8.5 inches. 304 pages. Hardbound 100pts, Three-Quarter-bound in genuine Black Galuchat Ray rawhide, and genuine white cow leather. Gold foil blocking on the cover, and blind-deboss on the back-cover. Colour interior, with fully illustrated Endpapers. Interior shall feature handmade endpapers, in addition to those used within the standard hardcover edition. Thoroughly illustrated throughout by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal, Fine typography, printed on Cougar Natural 160M archive-quality paper. Individually hand-numbered. Signed and glyphed by the author.

    • Featured one (not two as the photo shown above). Each Talismanic Card have been hand-drawn and glyphed by artist Jose Gabriel Alegria Sabogal, and signed by author Gabriel McCaughry, fumigated and consecrated with a home-made incense blend of Daemonorops Draco Resin, Sandalwood, Abramelin’s Incense Blend, Myrrh, Pu’erh Black Tea, and Pure Virgin Olive Oil.

    Limited to 11 copies | ISBN: 978-0-9949111-5-5


BOOK I: (h)Auroræ

Preface by Denis Poisson

First Codex: The Egregore of the Pulsing Flame
Second Codex: The Impetus of Anagogic Poesy
Third Codex: Adversarial Simulacrum
Fourth Codex: The Oriflamme’s Effulgence as Psychopomp
Fifth Codex: Blessed Anathema

BOOK II: Neoteric Heterodoxy

Tabula Magna Summa

Hemlock Wraith
Atavistic Criterion
Nascency of Awareness is the Death of Sui Generis
From Circle to Spiral

De Abscondita Divina Dubiatione

Chief Principles of Reversal
TALION (ReEvaluation - Re[E]volution)
Oneiric Versicles

Lexicon of the Arte
Symbolical Metonymy

BOOK III: Anaphoras, Advent & Theurgia
Anamnesis of the Pilgrim

¶ Addendum: commentaries and expounding

The Birds that Speak at Dawn, by José Gabriel Alegría

Glossary & Allegories
Afterword by Shani Oates


  • By Gabriel McCaughry, CEO of Anathema Publishing Ltd.

  • Preface (for the Paperback reissue) by Denis Poisson (of the Foolish Fish YouTube channel).

  • Afterword by Shani Oates (Matriarch of the Clan of Tubal Cain and author of Tubelo’s Green FireCrafting the Arte of TraditionThe Devil’s Supper, The Óðinn Trilogy, etc.)

  • Thoroughly illumined by the talented artist José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal (IAO: Ophite Iconography, and the forthcoming SEMESILAM)

“This alchemical treatise walks us through a startling expression of emotive gnosis… (h)Auroræ seeks beyond and above the all-too-human condition in order to understand it, and advance it vis-à-vis a sensual Sophianic psychology, witnessed in cogitation. Mind in tandem with vision, incorporates a veiled process of subtle Jungian analysis leading to a Grail quest, of intent to remove the blindfold from the Holy Fool…  A work of pilgrimage, conjunction and apotheosis, it directs the reader through pause, anticipation and intake. Sometimes rapturous, sometimes ponderous.”
—Shani Oates, Afterword, (h)Auroræ

G. McCaughry writes:

“This Opus Alchymicum is presented in a certain “light” and, at its core, (h)Auroræ is centred on the sempiternal theosophical discourse which sparks anew the Flame of Old within the heart of the predisposed reader, struggling, yet inclined, to separate the subtil from the dross so that we may uncover our inner philosopher’s stone or perfected being.

“‘Tis a work of Agapae, in the purest sense of the words

“This manuscript, far from being a modern-day grimoire by any means, is, primarily, a mystical handbook. A useful resource to have by one’s side upon undertaking an initiatory odyssey on the Path of Exile & Exalt – regardless of which favoured system or tradition the practitioner employs.” 

(h)Auroræ is Gabriel McCaughry’s first published manuscript – a tome which correlates directly with Anathema Publishing’s mandate, along with his unique views and methodologies on alchemical book-making. This is very much a continuation in the spirit of his previous contributions to the PILLARS occult periodical (and elsewhere), but within (h)Auroræ, these concepts are fully developed and actualized.

“[(h)Auroræ is] a supreme work of Beauty, in every sense of that aesthetic. A sublime work of Arte, in every sense of that metaphysic. In short, a meditational treatise of transformative alchemy of – and for – the Soul.”
—Shani Oates

Christ in Hell [Triptych]
Venenum Quod Sanat
The Journey of Orpheus [Triptych]
Leviathan Anima Mundi
The Alchemical Fountain & Abraxas Dominus Mundi