De Sorore Mystica

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By Brian Cotnoir

De Sorore Mystica, On the Sister Mystics, is an exploration of partnership in mystic, spiritual, alchemical, and/or artistic practice. More than a collaboration, the soror mystica is found throughout alchemical literature . First coined apparently by C.G. Jung in his alchemical writings, this partnership is more than the psychic projections of the alchemist.

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By Brian Cotnoir

De Sorore Mystica, On the Sister Mystics, is an exploration of partnership in mystic, spiritual, alchemical, and/or artistic practice. More than a collaboration, the soror mystica is found throughout alchemical literature . First coined apparently by C.G. Jung in his alchemical writings, this partnership is more than the psychic projections of the alchemist.

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By Brian Cotnoir

De Sorore Mystica, On the Sister Mystics, is an exploration of partnership in mystic, spiritual, alchemical, and/or artistic practice. More than a collaboration, the soror mystica is found throughout alchemical literature . First coined apparently by C.G. Jung in his alchemical writings, this partnership is more than the psychic projections of the alchemist.

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  • Khepri Press

    Leaflet Zine, 28 pages.


About the Author

Brian Cotnoir is an alchemist, artist and Emmy award-winning filmmaker. His books include Alchemy: The Poetry of Matter, Practical Alchemy: A Guide to the Great Work, Alchemical Meditations, On the Quintessence of Wine and the Emerald Tablet. His film work has been screened at the Museum of Modern Art, Sundance Film Festival, HBO, PBS and other international venues.


De Sorore Mystica, On the Sister Mystics, is an exploration of partnership in mystic, spiritual, alchemical, and/or artistic practice. More than a collaboration, the soror mystica is found throughout alchemical literature . First coined apparently by C.G. Jung in his alchemical writings, this partnership is more than the psychic projections of the alchemist.

This zine puts Jung’s psychological concept aside and looks at actual alchemical partnerships, from the Alexandrian alchemists Zosimos and Theosebia to the 17th century mystics Jane Lead and John Pordage, and considers the other meanings and possibilities that arise. And, from this, sketch an outline of the distinguishing features of this relationship towards a definition. Also considered in this zine are the relationships of Leonora Carrington, tantra, mirror neurons, the golem, Atalanta fugues, and a couple of recipes.

The Emerald Tablet
The Golem and How He Came to Be
Alchemy, Memory and the Architecture of Initiation
On the Homunculus
Dream: The Lunar Realm of Alchemy