Muses No More

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Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women

by Ùna Maria Blyth

Illustrations by Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos

Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women is a meandering ghost train through the lives, work, politics and beliefs of both familiar and lesser known female occultists from the distant past to the 21st century. From the freedom fighting New Orleans Voudon Queen Marie Laveau to the witch-next-door personality of Sybil Leek, these biographical portraits bring light to women often sidelined in occult spaces and memory in favour of the (white, male) heavyweights such as Arthur E. Waite, Aleister Crowley and Gerald Gardner.

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Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women

by Ùna Maria Blyth

Illustrations by Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos

Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women is a meandering ghost train through the lives, work, politics and beliefs of both familiar and lesser known female occultists from the distant past to the 21st century. From the freedom fighting New Orleans Voudon Queen Marie Laveau to the witch-next-door personality of Sybil Leek, these biographical portraits bring light to women often sidelined in occult spaces and memory in favour of the (white, male) heavyweights such as Arthur E. Waite, Aleister Crowley and Gerald Gardner.

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Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women

by Ùna Maria Blyth

Illustrations by Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos

Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women is a meandering ghost train through the lives, work, politics and beliefs of both familiar and lesser known female occultists from the distant past to the 21st century. From the freedom fighting New Orleans Voudon Queen Marie Laveau to the witch-next-door personality of Sybil Leek, these biographical portraits bring light to women often sidelined in occult spaces and memory in favour of the (white, male) heavyweights such as Arthur E. Waite, Aleister Crowley and Gerald Gardner.

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  • Hexen Press

    Royal Octavo (240 × 160 mm)

    206 pages



Section One: Portraits

1 - Margot Adler: Journalist Priestess
2 - Doreen Valiente: Mother of Modern Witchcraft
3 - Marjorie Cameron: Muse No More
4 - Sybil Leek: Witch Next Door
5 - Madeline Montalban: Lady of Lucifer
6 - Rosaleen Norton: The Witch of King’s Cross
7 - Mirra Alfassa: The Mother
8 - Maya Deren: Sorceress of the Screen
9 - Pamela Colman Smith: Tarot’s High Priestess
10 - Maria de Naglowska: Satanic Woman
11 - Annie Besant: Sceptical Seeker
12 - Leila Waddell: Rag-Time Revolutionary
13 - Moina Mathers: A Subversive Wife
14 - Sojourner Truth: Power in Forgiveness
15 - Marie Laveau: Voodoo Queen of New Orleans
16 - Biddy Early: Medicine Woman
17 - Isobel Gowdie: The Confessor

Section Two: Rituals

Banishing the Hungry Ghost
The Practice of Oomancy
Kinship Candle Ritual
Zodiacal Mind Training
Unglamouring Ritual
A Simple Sabbath Unguent
The Arrival Exercise
A Beginner’s Guide to Possession
Tarot for Creative Blocks
Your Ears Can Be Microphones
Hexing 101: Know Your Enemy
Scrying Musical Notation
A Practice for Life
Ritual Towards Liberation
Ancestral Altar in a Box
Eyebright Tea
Witch Bottle for Bravery



Readers will discover that there was much more to Pamela Colman Smith’s magical undertakings than her illustrations for the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck, and that Doreen Valiente, whilst valiantly fighting for the modernisation of Wicca, was an ardent follower of televised football.

Filled with fascinating historical trivia, there are deeper narratives at play in this compendium too - the struggle for women’s liberation, pleas for modernisation of religious movements, the reign of the patriarchy in many magical traditions, and the fight for civil rights.

Thoroughly well-researched and written with the flair of an impassioned queer, feminist occultist, Muses No More tells the centuries-spanning stories of women who threw off their aprons in favour of the search for greater esoteric knowledge.

The book concludes with tried and tested personal practices and rituals, respectfully designed in honour of these wondrous women, so that we might channel their power and knowledge and pursue the mysteries of the vast unknown.