Pilgrim on the Path of Gnosis
A pilgrim in the Mystery Tradition, Gabriel is deeply fascinated with all subjects relating to Alchemy, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theological Exegeses, Non-Dualism, View and systems of Esoteric Buddhism, and the Nameless Arte of Traditional Craft. His personal approach and devotional practice stem from a profound love for, and communion with, The Omni-Cipher's ownmost radiance and myriad manifestations; infinite wonderments of the Pleroma.
His first book, (h)Auroræ, is somewhat of an invitation for the attentive reader to explore, ponder, and puzzle over; it offers the fundamental keys and processes of Alchemical Self-Transmutation – still all too relevant today as a tool for developing mental individuation and spiritual apotheosis. Stylistically, G. usually prefers to work by poetic inference rather than forthright assertion.
Within (h)Auroræ, the Great Work seeks to describe mystical observations that are beyond mundane rationale, and certainly beyond the scope of common language and thought-patterns. However, since the Hólon is the Ineffable, absolutely indescribable, the text can only try to suggest nuances to the esoteric dialogue of the devoted pilgrim treading the Path of Return.
There is an interplay of polysemic thoughts and counter-intuitive terminologies explored in G.’s writing, which shines brightest in the questions it raises, rather than the answers the mind tries to grasp (or wishes to impose upon the reader). (h)Auroræ is thus a vehicle meant to inspire, to help embrace the many alchemical nodes of transformation, and to calcine the whole experience into the reader’s very own crucible.

(h)Auroræ is, functions as, an occult text; it is technically not a book ‘about’ the occult. The distinction is important here: the whole concept, presentation, and perennial philosophy underlying the book aim at provoking a mystical experience and stimulating the Divine Inspiration of the reader, so that they, in turn, become Inspiration.
This manuscript is a mystifying, albeit utterly profound journey. Part ontological synthesis, philosophical rambling, magickal diary, visual grimoire, mystical poetry, revelatory individuation process, and alchemical vessel of expression, the book exists under the umbrella of what the author refers to as Neoteric Heterodoxy. First and foremost, however, (h)Auroræ exists as an act of eternal remembrance.
(h)Auroræ is G. McCaughry’s first published manuscript – a tome which correlates directly with Anathema Publishing’s mandate, along with his unique views and methodologies on alchemical book-making. This is very much a continuation in the spirit of his previous contributions to the PILLARS occult periodical (and elsewhere), but within (h)Auroræ, these concepts are fully developed and actualized.